what are words for. when no one listens anymore.

(I like to write.)

"Meek young men grow up in libraries, believing it their duty to accept
the views which Cicero, which Locke, which Bacon have given,
forgetful that Cicero, Locke and Bacon were only young men in libraries
when they wrote these books" - Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The American Scholar"

Electronic journals? Who needs paper in the computer age..or something.

My sporadic venting and comtemplating. To read if bored or stalking me I guess.

I do write, although not as often lately. I will put a few up; however, being that these are not copyrighted and who trusts the internet anyway, I probably won't be sharing a whole lot. (eyes you suspiciously.)

time after time.
I should add more to this. make it quite more the novella size that inspired me to task it. we need to know if this poor girl's life ever changes, or is it really just time after time.

flight of icarus.
Yes, I was pretentious enough to tackle an Icarus poem. But I hadn't seen any poem explore his attainment of the freedom he so longed for only in death. Rather unsettling isn't it.

making him breakfast.
I wrote this before I truly understood the beauty in NOT getting the John Hughes ending. I used to want it, yes. But now? I love Duckie. I want to marry Duckie. Andy is an idiot. And maybe Samantha will discover ten years down the line that Farmer Ted is way cooler than Jakey. Maybe John should have asked Allison out to a heavy metal vomit party instead of someone who calls them that.

california on my mind.
Sometimes it's okay being an east coast girl. Sometimes it's as gray as the Atlantic.

True-life inspired. Hope she doesn't mind. Wanted to explore capturing the dichotomy of freedom versus restraint visually through text. Hope you get that impression.

blue bandanna.
One of those poems that writes itself and you don't know where it's coming from exactly at the time. As Tori would say, the faeries wrote it through me. Actually, it was inspired by someone. I wonder if he'll ever find out.

snow in august.
No comment. Perhaps it speaks for itself.

essays and such.

"That which does not kill us only makes us stronger"...?
My venting on the horrible fallacy of that cliche.

my literacy history.
Just what it says. How I discovered that grade school was not the right place to craft my writing. If someone had only told me how much more open (truly, not recruiter BS) the university would be, I would have gotten my act in gear much sooner.

(Yes I minored in Women's Studies. A few things I've
written for those courses follows. Movie essays are
from a course entitled "Hollywood Created Women," the
historical analysis of women's roles in American film.)
Don't get me wrong though, I love boys. Women drive me nuts.

Following a definition of the surprisingly self-sexist common feminist views, my more-radical-than-Radical-Feminist opinion on hugging the trees of planet earth. She's a tough cookie, so go ahead, throw that plastic bag out, will ya please?

the sound of music.
Nothing super interesting. Just my first "A (minus)" paper from a very difficult teacher after many failed attempts. Which was generous I thought, I got much better. Wow, now I know you won't click huh.

love story.
The American public finally realizes in the early 1970's that women in college are babes.

My suggestion that this movie is negative towards women was the minority voice in a Women's Studies classroom? Who'da thunk it. Wonder what Gloria Steinum thinks.

fatal attraction.
Poor Alex! Fourteen years later and still heralded as the stuff punchlines are made of. I feel ya girl. If you've accepted the characterization of this chick as the American psycho prototype, hear me out as to how manipulated I think we all were. (at least check this one out.)

pretty woman & mrs. doubtfire.
No, I didn't think they went together at first either. But the professor sure did. Funny what a little brainstorming can discover. Read on to know why you females should be independent, but not too independent, and why you males should be sensitive, but not too sensitive.

Others' words.

song lyrics.
those which mean to most to me. because my intentions could have written them.

In the truthbearing words of
Veruca Salt, "the more you want it
the less you're gonna get back.."
(Ask Alex, she knows all about that.)