I've taken too many concert pictures.
But I'll share them with you.

Jump, Little Children.
Love this band! Amazingly entertaining live, and they include such a wizard that he makes up for the muggles in the group. ;c) I'll say more soon when I'm not being so lazy.

A band whose music I love and who perfom it quite well. I remember feeling the earth stop for a moment the first time I saw them live in Spartanburg, SC. Later on, even when I was forced to watch them from the furthest upper balcony of the 9:30 Club, they still got their energy floating all the way back to me. Sure Mitch is a little ball of ego onstage (onstage?) but this is about how the music makes you feel. I've only gotten to see them five times. Better than nothing yes. But less than I had planned. Follow through the four pages of photos if you wish. I apologize for the complete lack of pictures of Jeff and Dan. I never was able to get a clear one. I must say my favorite memory is overhearing them do a fantasmic Jellyfish's Baby's Coming Back at soundcheck. Wow.

Chrystina Lloree.
She's a vocal wonder. Makes her songs even more powerful live. I've seen Chrystina Lloree perform only twice. But enough to devote a small chunk of w e b s p a c e to her.

Enuff Z'Nuff.
Can you believe the travesty of having only seen this band, one of my very favorites, only once? June 1991. Ten long years ago. In a large arena yet. However, a nice chap I met online back in '91 sent me some pictures of them from a club show he attended that year. Will post them soon.

The Marvelous 3.
As you may have discovered, I used to co-run the infamous Hey! Website. I saw them many many...um, many times. If you care to look, you may.

last and most definitely not least...

There is nothing like the rush of being ever so proud of the people you know in front of you. Cheers to the beers, tears, and years to come blokes.

Touring the planet of rock n' roll.

keepin' on keepin' on...

music is my lorax...

Other artists. Impacting. Vital.

Favorite songs. Lyrical journies.