
fine. leave me. but if you must, these are really
worthwhile trips so I won't feel so badly. They should
keep you busier than a Polish grandma making pierogis.

Shanie Jones.
My best friend Shannon's page. Love me, love her.

Official Def Leppard site.

Official Rage Against The Machine site.
Fight the power; know your rights.

Free the West Memphis Three.
A case I've been following since I first saw the initial documentary Paradise Lost on HBO oh so many years ago. Crucible-style Witchcraft hysteria meets small town Arkansas, and three young men are still falsely imprisoned for a "satanic ritual" crime they did not commit. The so-called "leader" Damien Echols' (i.e. because the police and town felt him to be the "weirdest") life is in jeopardy as he is on death row with appeals running out. This site provides extensive information plus runs a legit support fund to help raise money for the men's (sad that they've been imprisoned so long that they are "men" now..) appeals. If wearing black, reading books about the Occult, and listening to heavy metal get you accused of murder, I can simply say that I am glad I was never in the wrong place at the wrong time when I was fifteen.

American Lit.
I can't imagine reading a novel like Uncle Tom's Cabin online, but definitely check out the Emerson essays if you've never explored the power that is American lit.

Ralph Waldo Emerson.
A listing of quotes. For a taste without reading the complete work.

Official site for Chrystina Lloree.
If you've done your homework elsewhere on the site, you know that she is an incredible singer. Don't believe me? Go check out the sound clips.

Metal Sludge.
The infamous.

tsaraven got their NeoPet at
A virtual pet and game site. Go get your own virtual pet to amuse yourself with. Please use my link to get there because if you're kind enough to do so and get a pet, I receive referrel points and can buy my poor monkey over there more bananas.

The Weather Channel.
I watch it; I do not frequent the website. But there you go. Meteorology rocks!!

University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Maybe I'll finish one of these days. But I like school too much.

The Official Harry Potter site.
If you don't get it, you wouldn't understand. If you do, you really don't need an explanation do you?

Jersey Diners.
A site dedicated to the glorious institution that is the New Jersey Diner. If you live in the south and are wondering what a diner is and actually visit Waffle House to eat at times other than 4 a.m. while drunk, check out what you're missing.

The Webtender.
Extensive drink recipes and bartending guide. Highly useful about four hours before you visit Waffle House.

In the expressive words of Jon Bon Jovi,
"come back, cause I need your love,"
back gotta have your love
back..bring your lovin back to me.."